Say Farewell to 2010 & Say Hello to 2011

In 2010, I came to a new school which I think it's quite lousy. But I met a lot of new friends who are funny and a bit bonkers ( Crystal, Nicole, Recycle Bin, Ryo, Li Min, Mei Yee, Lai San, Hooi Hung, Sin Erh, Shu Ying, Soo Li, Ka Yee, Lui Lui, Ling Tan, Jia Chi, Hui Yee, Sin Yi, Wavelyn, Charmaine, Hawaii, Khar Yen, Ashley, Kimberly, Ai Huey, Iza, Irene, Hui Yee...Sorry if I missed someone out ). I'm so glad that I met them ^_^ . I also met some bitchy and bastard "elders" ( They thought they really know me well but they ain't. I'm quite different so they have to wake up and don't ever mix me up with the others) that really make me want to punch them. And I really miss my old school and old friends ( my J3C classmates esp Hui Jie, Froggie, Brenda, Eric, 师奶, Piggie, 师父... Miss u guys so much T_T ) .

Well, umpteen stupid little things happened in 2010. I know sometimes I do rash acts and make a lot of troubles. Some of my rough manners and childish acts are rather off-putting too. So if I ever put my foot in it, I apologize >_< .

I don't wanna set any stupid goals in 2011, because I know I won't resolved to practice what I have said =P. I just wanna enjoy my last year of high school life. Work harder, play harder, learn harder, rock harder, and enjoy harder. That's all. Life is too lovely to be wasted!

Happy New Year 2011 
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